Monday, June 4, 2012

~ A fight to the death on the snake river A true story ~

I got this Email from my cousin I don't know who the rescuer was but I liked his story her it is
This has to be the weirdest thing that ever floated by me on the Snake River . They were stuck together in death lock, each wanting to kill the other first. My guess is that the falcon snatched up the tasty snake, and it somehow got its tail around the falcon's neck, strangling it in midair causing both of them to crash into the river. They are both alive and well, considering. I think a few more minutes and the snake would have won. The tail was actually tied in a knot around the neck, and getting tighter by the second. I got the snake untied, and well, as you can see, they both made it. This is another one of those stories you tell, and are always acknowledged with "yeah, right!" Well, here's the proof. Neither of them bit me or scratched me; the snake didn't want to stop biting the falcon's leg, and only let go after I had untied everything else. I got the water out of the falcon's lungs with birdie inversion technique, and stayed with him until he was almost dried off in the sun, and flying a little. Ball of snake and falcon, that is the weirdest thing I have pulled out of the water so far, it beats the wagon wheel!

 What the hell just happened ??

Thursday, May 10, 2012

~ Feral Horse Hunting ? Would you kill a Horse ~

This is interesting , Feral Horse Hunting ! this is something I've not considered about you ? there is a lot of wild horses in Utah and Nevada ! But my question is what do you do with it after it's dead take it to the Taxidermist for a full body mount ? I guess you could eat it  the Indians and the occasional starving cowboy did , and not to mention the Samoans seemed to think it was good eating . So how about it whats your thoughts on Horse hunting ? I think I'd prefer catching one and riding it . I don't see these animals as being that big of a nuisance to anyone ether . And I  would bet the guy in the pic got a lot of horse shit ( pun intended ) for this pic .

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

~ A long awaited fishing trip has arrived ~

 A long awaited fishing trip has arrived ! The spring fishing trip to Lake Powell in southern Utah  ! Big Stripers, Large and Small Mouth Bass and a ton of Crappie ! Not to mention the tasty and coveted Walleyes . It's a fisherman's dream destination !
A five hour prep the night before , you know the usual trying to pack more stuff than you need in not so efficient containers like Cardboard boxes your grandsons new bike came in ! nothing fancy here you know just get packed and get to the lake we got fishing to do ! Oh yeah and got to make room in the Tackle box for the new lures .  
As you can see here in the pic not much room