Tuesday, April 24, 2012

~ A long awaited fishing trip has arrived ~

 A long awaited fishing trip has arrived ! The spring fishing trip to Lake Powell in southern Utah  ! Big Stripers, Large and Small Mouth Bass and a ton of Crappie ! Not to mention the tasty and coveted Walleyes . It's a fisherman's dream destination !
A five hour prep the night before , you know the usual trying to pack more stuff than you need in not so efficient containers like Cardboard boxes your grandsons new bike came in ! nothing fancy here you know just get packed and get to the lake we got fishing to do ! Oh yeah and got to make room in the Tackle box for the new lures .  
As you can see here in the pic not much room    

  Here's the new lures,and no none of them caught a fish .They where better at catching this fisherman                               
Our First day was Over cast skies and high wind. The  Captain ( that would be Eddie a.k.a Big Ed my Son In Law's oldest brother ) was cussing like a three dollar hooker while trying to navigate through the Rocks and Weed Beds  with their new Minn Kota Remote troller , so it was a good thing Big Ed hooked the first fish With a white double tail grub at 10:40 It was a 3.5 lb Large mouth , then he caught 2 lb walleye The Captain was happy  and the fishing was on ...
The third fish was caught by the son in law Sterling (Aka  Big Sterals ) a 2.2 lb Walleye on a jointed crayfish                                   The fish just kept on coming . No i hadn't caught a fish yet . we finally got to do some trolling and that was when i decided to catch a fish ( you know as if i had the magic say so on when to Catch one ) It was my first Striper 3.5 lbs on a black and silver jointed Rapala , followed by a 2 lb Walleye and yep that was my first walleye , 
After we cooked in the sun for several more hours we headed back to camp for some Corona and brats ( after we filleted the 30 or so bass and walleyes with my new " Knives of Alaska " steelheader fillet knife ) Check out this pic of my new knife
Day 2 over cast skies half the day . We hit the water At 8:00 The fish of the day was Small mouth And Crappie . Here's My Small mouth i caught with a Green and yellow rubber perch .
followed by a big Crappie and a total of 5 smalls  2 large mouths 12 Crappie 4 walleyes .Then we did a bit of sight seeing in Whites canyon . I've always herd  that Lake Powell had awesome scenery and that's no lie . this is a pic of  Battleship rock in white canyon it's pretty cool and looks just like  one  . then it was back to camp for more filleting of fish and Brats ( yes Brats were pretty much the dinner for four days a weekend bachelors mainstay and damn tasty )  
Note the fillet board Ster's using it works great but it would work better on a none plastic surface less sliding around it needs a surface to grip
Day 3 , 7:30 am after another good night of sleep  in the back of the Ford and a night of fisherman's philosophy ! ( and lies ) After a Breakfast of Starbucks Frappuccino , onion bagels with sour cream and Canadian Bacon It's off to the water ! It's calm the waters like glass the fishing is slow all morning so it's back to trolling for what ever decided to bite .
The first fish was a 3.5 lb Striper on a flicker bait  for big Ster ( and if your wondering everybody's big something like "Big Ed ", "Big Ster" , and yep you guessed it , "Big Jer" that's our outdoor aahh...handles or nick names ) we made a kwik pit stop in this cove not only for all the Crappie that didn't bite but for a much needed hike up the hill ! What a view it was of the boys in the boat from up high !
The fishing sucked most of the day But the Entertainment was great with Ed and Ster making fun of  Shelby from Axe men  . White tail grub was the only thing catching fish . by the end of the day we had only a dozen fish . we headed back to camp  and was greeted by a stink so bad coming from camp it made me gag ! you see all the fish we filleted the previous days we put in the trash can , and the summer heat went to work on them Oooh what a bad smell it was , so we drug the can down the hill so we could eat dinner without blowing chunks ! a temporary fix until we could dump it .
Day 4 . The last day ended with 16 fish and  temperatures in the 80's  . It was time to load the boat pack up camp and find a place to dump the stinky fish filled trash can and  start the 2 hour drive home with a stop in Hanksville for a burger at Stan's Burger Shak . not bad burgs for being one of two places to eat try the shakes their big and lots of flavor  
Thanks for taking the time read this post I hope it wasn't to boring I'll attach a short video i put together on You tube ! here it is this is my first attempt at this so i hope it turns out


  1. That was awesome Jerry its hard to believe this was your first and loved the song never heard it before.

    1. Thanks Becky It was a learning experience i still don't know if the video worked right when i watch it the music drowns out the voices that's not how i planned it my mobile connection don't work to well . I liked the song also i never herd it before ether until i made the video it was something they had on their video editor i liked it so i used it .
