Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Ship Crash ! A Moment before death and desruction

This happened a while ago but it's new news to me and maybe for a few more people that missed it also . looking at the crew on the bow of this ship they don't look to worried about their approaching appointment with Davey Jones ! I'm a landlocked wanna be sailor and even i could have seen a hunk of floating iron of that size ! Here's some info i poached on the demise of these  unfortunate fisherman ......
Sunday, April 13, 2008 - Ship Collision Off Kyushu Island Leaves 3 Chinese Dead, 13 Missing.

A collision between two Chinese vessels has left three people dead and 13 others missing, said reports from the southern port city of Kagoshima on Japan's Kyushu island.

Freighter Shinyo Sawako, a vessel from China's Hong Kong Special Administration Region, and the fishing boat Lurongyu 2177 from the Chinese mainland collided on the waters some 350 km south of Takarajima Island, part of the Tokara chain of islands south of Kyushu, citing the Japan Coast Guard.

The fishing boat sank immediately after the crash, only two of its 18 crew members have been rescued

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