Thursday, May 10, 2012

~ Feral Horse Hunting ? Would you kill a Horse ~

This is interesting , Feral Horse Hunting ! this is something I've not considered about you ? there is a lot of wild horses in Utah and Nevada ! But my question is what do you do with it after it's dead take it to the Taxidermist for a full body mount ? I guess you could eat it  the Indians and the occasional starving cowboy did , and not to mention the Samoans seemed to think it was good eating . So how about it whats your thoughts on Horse hunting ? I think I'd prefer catching one and riding it . I don't see these animals as being that big of a nuisance to anyone ether . And I  would bet the guy in the pic got a lot of horse shit ( pun intended ) for this pic .


  1. What goes around comes around, you will get your for shooting horses!

  2. Why would you want to kill America's wild horses? They're federally protected. How about getting permission from the BLM to shoot jack rabbits instead? They're not protected, they're hugely overpopulated, and they provide a fairer sport, if that's what you're looking for.

    If you're just looking for something to kill, I'd suggest looking for a therapist.

    1. Or a mirror....

    2. Why would a person kill their therapist?

    3. Seriously??? They should find a therapist to get help! Not to kill one.

    4. Wow, is there NOTHING that you people won't kill? Seriously. Is there ANYTHING on this whole planet that you will allow to live? Very sad commentary on humanity.

    5. I know a few good therapists. Killing for the sake of killing is a sociopathic/psychopathic trait.

    6. Please. Hunters don't care about sport. If they did they'd make it actually challenging. Not lazily pulling a trigger and acting like they did something impressive

  3. You do not hunt the animals that partnered with you in war, helped you develop your homesteads, delivered your mail and the animal that is the dream of so many little girls. They trust us and work hard for us. That is the greatest deception, to gain an animals trust and then to do this to them. Wild or not, they are very natural at building trusting and working relationships with man. This is evil. Leave our feral horses alone.

    1. Amen, very well stated!

    2. Why would you do something this heinous. There's no sport to hunting a horse. Their's no trophy value to this. WTF IS WRONG WITH YOU?

    3. But killing cows is a-ok. Never understood why some animals are ok to hunt/eat and others we just take for granted as a commodity.

    4. very well said..if it wasn't for horses people would have been shit out of luck.. they have carried us through battles..used them for hauling our belongings around, traveling, pulling plows for us to plant... look at the history the horse has played in our world.. we have treated them like shit..during the American Civil war there was a shortage of horses.. more horses were kill during this time then any other war... over a million ... civilians would have to hide their horses from the soldiers..(American Civil War.. buff)

    5. For the anti hunters...remember this...if something horrible happens in our country (I pray not), and your precious grocery stores no longer have your meat...who will you come crying too? That's right us (evil hunters) I'm not talking about horses, they are protected and I'd never kill what my family won't eat. It sounds to me like we have a bunch of big city people who can't possibly think of a place or time when they can't plug in their blow dryer or run to their fab coffee shop for a skinny mocha wocha latte without foam! OMG! The horror!! That's fine...survival of the fittest..I'm cool with that. Posers ....LMAO...oops forgot that's Laughing My Ass Off NOT Light Mocha and a Orange!! BWAAAAAA!!

    6. This guy in the pic is no doubt mentally handicapped. Who would POST that let alone shoot a horse.

  4. There is a big push on by the BLM and Director Sally Jewell to round up wild horses and burros, confine them to pens for adoption. There are forces such as subsidized ranchers, oil and mineral exploration behind it. There is an Act of Congress - it protects wild horses and burros. I'm glad you put his face and his victim on the internet. This is going on my FB page and I'm not the only one.

  5. Federal law protects the wild horses. If you shoot them, you will go to jail. Not to mention that if this is a real thing, you may very well have wild horse advocates showing up on your hunting ground armed to shoot back at you. I may be one of them and I'm a damn good shot!

    1. I'm not a damn good shot - but I'll practice & join you. Maybe "an eye for an eye" will give POS's like him a chance to repent.

  6. Yes, please. If you shoot a wild horse, please eat it. It may well insure that you will NOT shoot another one. The injections given to horses to control the population are very dangerous to humans. So, by all means, if you shoot it, eat it. Anyone that shoots a horse for sport is truly a sick person. You need therapy, maybe a lobotomy, or electro-shock therapy! Get help!!!!!

  7. Someone somewhere should be able to recognize this pitiful excuse for a human being and report him to the authorities! I hope he rots in hell!

  8. Wrong, pathetic. This person needs prosecuted by thev government, because wild horses and burros are protected...or so.they say. Wheredid this picture come from and who is this person? Ready to go human hunting?

  9. sick and truly disgusting!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Horses were never meant to eat never deer elk ect they were meant to hunt for food- so guess the phone is calling three state gov and the federal land management office you just commttied a federal offense- and by the way that is out public land s you just violated the law on and your all over fb now- there coming for you- truly sick

  10. horsesmeat after what you did has a toxic chemical released in it that can kill you As well indians revere horses as sacred creatures- u truly have outshined the sickest of the sick

  11. Mustang's are indeed protected by Federal Law, are exterpidated in most of there original ranges & well on there way to being wiped out entirely. Were they do exist though is on Federal Land's in conjuncture with Cattle Ranching. Cattle do have parasites & diseases (zoonoses) that are dangerous & in some cases fatal to humans that Cattle are treated for before entering the food chain. Mustang's that drink from the same water sources & eat from the same grasslands, not so much (in fact not at all). It's just like Wild Boar are rife with trichinosis while it's been bred out of domesticated pigs.

    Of course there's the entire shooting & eating animals that have been companions to humankind for centuries, that disgusts most normal people!

  12. WHY??? Why did you do this? Are you starving, are you using the hide for warmth or shelter? Was is attacking you, your children or your livestock? WHY were you able to commit such a cruel act and then smile with your trophy?

    Where was this, and what are the authorities doing about it since it was perpetrated on a Federally protected species. I am sending this to FOX and other media outlets demanding justice. I suggest everyone do the same!!

  13. Bad Mojo.... Was this public land? What kind of hunting license? Any laws broken? Was this horse stolen it even legal to hunt horses to kill in the USA? What kind of license does a processor have to have was an inspector on site? We don't eat horse it the USA... So why hunt/kill them?

  14. I wouldn't shoot a horse, but I'd shoot any dumbass that would shoot a horse. That gun is not a penis extension and it doesn't make you a man. Real men don't kill for sport. Guess this guy would have to grow a pair to be a real man.

  15. This is a prank. The horse is alive in the photo. The man with the gun may have shot a predator. Don't be sucked into this nonsense. This site just wants more hits.

    1. It has an awful lot of blood on it's chest just under the neck.

    2. how do you know it was a prank where did you see that at, I really hope it is a prank.

  16. Then you go have the BLM arrested because they are rounding them up and sending them to slaughter.


    please read

  18. This is despicable! We as a Nation, need to stand up to the Leaders of this Country. And, demand the God given rights of our Natural Wild Horses be our forefathers did. Who set out the importance of conservation for their existence! This "OBAMAnation" of a leader running this country is ruining our country, and I wouldn't put it past Him, to approve this God forsaken act! God help this country and the leaders making laws, and the wild Horses of our Nation. In Jesus name, AMEN!!! Yours truly, Kristina Bouquet...Hot Springs, Montana USA

  19. Anyone who would consider such a thing is purely evil. Nothing more. Nothing less.

  20. There is something seriously wrong with people that enjoy taking lives. I understand LEGAL hunting to feed your family, but to kill because you like to kill...there is some mental illness going on there. Maybe you shouldn't be handling guns.

  21. What is this world coming to this is disgusting makes me sick.

  22. Lisa Norman,get your head out of your ASS...Don't you know what the BLM is doing to our WILD HORSES????

  23. Wish they were protected blm doing a great job killing them off.makes me sick I don't understand why the government killing off our wild life.Be us next.

  24. Ya'll use the word "hunting" pretty freely don't you - this dick has shorts on, and shot a freaking horse. What is his dick about 2 inches long?

  25. BLM Mustangs are protected by Federal law under the Wild Free-Roaming Horses & Burros Act. There are other feral horses that aren't federally protected. Some Native American Reservations have serious overpopulations of feral horses and it is possible they might allow hunting on their land, or other privately owned or public property might. In Australia, feral horses, called brumbies, are a nuisance animal and are hunted.
    I think it would be very expensive to have a full mount of a horse. They weight around 800-1000 pounds, so would be about the size of a bull elk. Horse hide is excellent leather and hair on hide would be a beautiful throw if the horse was a really colorful one, such as a paint, appaloosa or roan. Horse meat is the equivalent of elk meat or venison, though slightly sweeter.

  26. Native Americans didn't hunt or kill horses for food. They sometimes consumed their horses hearts that were lost in battles. Native Americans revered their horses, would you eat your car?

    1. Native American eat horses...I know that for a fact because I live next to a reservation and have delivered horses to them and helped them butcher them; they eat the best cuts and feed the rest to their dogs. Cars aren't your comparison isn't logical.

    2. And your lack of it shows that you are less than a human being.

    3. Right , wrong , left , right , up , down. None of this makes any difference. In the end its all in Gods hands. People say kill the people doing the killing. Really ? That makes you as bad or worse as the animal killers. You want something done ? Put it in Gods hands where it belongs. If enough people did this then we wouldn't have the animal killing and abuse that we have. Wake up and look up. Amen

  27. Wild horses hare present in 7 western states and in numbers nearing 50,000 head. In addition there are about 10,000 sitting in short term holdings such as Palomino Valley Adoption center near Reno awaiting adoption.....for as little as $25/head in some cases. BLM has approx. 2000 a year being adopted at this point so there apparently is not a huge demand for them among the horse loving American public (which numbers over 300,000,000). And there's another 45,000 being held in long term holding for the rest of their lives (which may be up to 20-25 years) at $475/head/year being paid by American taxpayers.

    Wild horses, by way of being wild, do NOT have the antibiotics, dewormers or pain medications that some people are so worried about....and which far fewer domestic horses get than some people suggest. All those medications do have half lives by the way and are excreted by the body just as they would be if you were treated with them ('s the reason more than one dose has to be given for antibiotics and pain medications....they are metabolized and the body gets rid of them).

    The original wild horse and burro protection act authorized the secretary to dispose of excess wild horses through adoptions and sales, including public auctions where meat buyers could bid on them. If no one outbid the meat buyer then, yes, the horse could go for meat. Unfortunately the "save the pretty ponies" crowd pressured Congress and the wording is now different.

    As far as horse meat was commonly available in the US into the 70's, was on Harvard's menu into the 80's, is eaten by almost every country in the world except the US, was one of the major meat sources for our military through two world wars and is likely eaten by any of our troops having shared a meal with native people in Afghanistan today. It is higher in protein, lower in fat, lower in cholesterol and higher in omega fatty acids than beef. It tastes a little sweeter than venison and lacks the marbleing that makes beef tender so needs fat added to cook or to be cooked in a slow moist heat manner....and yes, have eaten it.

    The number of wild horses in the west exceeds the numbers given by the BLM since they count only those in HMA's......there are thousands more that run on state and private property and are considered to be "estray" and are not protected by federal law or from being gathered and sold to anyone wanting to pay the 8 to 35 cents a pound that they sell for at local sales barns as loose horses. If you want to save the horses, go buy one.

  28. Horses are not feral . who is this guy ? whats the link to the original pic? you do know this is illegal ! BLM is a government entity and this is about hunting prowls . both are wrong .

    1. Feral just means "not tame" and there are tens of thousands of them in the US...some protected, some not. It is only illegal for the Federally protected horses. Not all feral domesticated horses are protected. "Wrong" is your personal sense of morality. I think it's wrong, and fiscally irresponsible for American Taxpayers to pay for pasture rent and feedlot hay for 50,000 excess mustangs that no one wants to adopt...but I would rather do that than have those horses starve to death on rangeland that can't support them. Wouldn't make more sense to have legal hunts to reduce the numbers on public land, like are done with deer and elk? It would be more practical than rounding them up and warehousing them.

    2. Yes it is wrong, but it takes someone who knows right from wrong to begin with to get that, and trophy hunters are not in that group. They believe that they are chosen to kill off all others, because they are better. They believe that the thrill of killing something beautiful is better than sex (or is their version of sex). "Wouldn't make more sense to have legal hunts to reduce the numbers on public land" Um no, because "public" land belongs to the public, most of which are disgusted by trophy hunters and are not making a profit from the cattle industry.

      The wilderness was not created for your killing "pleasures"

  29. I love you as my brother or sister whoever you are .

  30. e. 3.00 SPECIAL PERMITS
    3.01 Bear, Beaver, Bison, Burros, Feral Horses, and Mountain Lion:
    A. Special permits may be issued by the Director of the Department of Fish and Wildlife, to take bear, beaver, bison, burros, feral horses, and mountain lion. Permits may be made available only if it is determined by the Director that the animals are causing damage to Navajo livestock, crops, structures or other natural resources of the Navajo Nation.
    1. The permits will be issued only for the specific animals causing the damage.

  31. I love horses and I would never ever kill one because of how much I love them

  32. Feral horses were brought over and released or escaped, just like feral hogs, cats, etc. Highly improbable this one served in combat or helped settle the wild west. I do not believe this is a hoax photo. Feral horses can be just as topographically destructive as feral hogs, and it takes 10 productive acres to provide for one horse, annually, so when they overpopulate, producing foals as early as 2 years old, on, it threatens the food supply for all indigenous wildlife, as well, grazers and carnivore, alike. I would not recreationally shoot equids, but I'm not emotionally unrealistic about the issue.

  33. First off, I am against the hunting of horses. BUT there is a difference in WILD horses and FERAL horses. FERAL horses are ones that have come from domesticated stock, WILD are ones that have generations of untouched horses by man. WILD horses are protected federally, unfortunately FERAL horses are not. Feral horses are ones that people have just dumped somewhere on land because they no longer wanted to feed them or care for them, and they become a herd when others are dumped. There truly is NO reason to hunt a horse as horse meat is not a meat you would want to eat, Their hides are not useful for much unlike other animals, and they are NOT over populated to the point of being a nuisance. Yes, many horses are abandoned or dumped, but normally the herds that become herds are on large enough areas they keep to themselves and do not interfere with peoples " spaces". Remember, it is us humans that are taking over all the open spaces where animals live because we always want and need more. The hunting of animals or slaughter of animals for farm to table food, to have meat and supplies for the seasons has been done for centuries, but is no longer a necessity, so I believe the hunting is more of a Humans are smarter and stronger" mentality for most. I do not condone hunting if done for right reasons, but condemn it when it is to just " show off".

  34. This comment has been removed by the author.

  35. Killing horses is a sin. The government needs to stop this. I could never be excited about killing any animal. Horses are beautiful. You SINNERS!!!!!

  36. I have a great idea why don't they instead of hunting them and killing them try hunting for public land and relocating them their and be heroes instead of monsters and murderers. this is illegal and they need to go to jail but if they hunt for land to put them on to run free we could have a heroes party to celebrate that we are a loving country instead of a killing machine that need to be put down.

  37. I'm sure I've seen this redneck's pic before - this is probably him - on "Southern Boyz Outdoors - which is filled with graphic images of kids with guns and dead animals - it should be removed from Facebook.
    Graphic Content: "... graphic images shared for sadistic effect or to celebrate or glorify violence have no place on our site."

  38. Lisa in theory but the Wild Horse and Burro Act is being outshouted by the cattle ranchers and poaching isn't enforced for most animals. In Utah it has been legal to hunt horses. Trophy hunters have no limits, they just buy politicians because they like the feeling of killing animals. It just shows how corrupt our system is.

  39. this is absolutely disgusting!!!! I am praud of my fathers hunting skills but this is not Hunting no would my father ever shoot anything that is not 100% eatable ....this is animal cruelty...this man belongs in Jail!!!

  40. I see the hole in the shoulder from the gun shot tell me it's not real

  41. why cant i share this on face book people aught to see the face of a jackass and no offense to the animal. i could think of aot of names to give this guy none of them printable

  42. War Horses ( Of the roughly half million that survived, only 62,000 returned. The rest ended up on French dinner tables ) ..... I got to say , I myself wouldn't go out of my way to hunt a horse ... and to you "Anonymous" commenters before you go threating anyone with violence ... how about showing how brave you really are and leave your name !.. Also this post was published back in 2012 ... what took you so long to find it ? ... your comments are only about 3 years after the fact ... Jezzzz .. anyways keep reading you might learn something interesting from history ..

    During the war, roughly a million horses (including mules) were sent to France mainly from Britain, Canada and the United States. Some of these were cavalry horses to be used when the great breakthrough occurred. Though there were cavalry charges, it was obvious even to most generals that cavalry had seen its day. Machine guns, barbed wire and trenches saw to that. Still, even as late as 1916, during the battle of the Somme, the 7th Dragoon Guards armed with lances, charged the German trenches on their noble steeds, pennants flying. Machine guns cut them down, man and beast, but even so, a few made it to the German lines, skewering the Hun on their lances, still under fire. The few survivors trickled back to the British lines.

    Horses and mules performed many tasks besides charging uselessly against the entrenched enemy and were essential to the war effort, pulling wagons loaded with supplies or wounded soldiers, dragging artillery and generally providing muscle in the barren, often-times muddy moonscape of the front. They stood exposed to the elements for days on end. Sometimes fodder was in short supply. They were overloaded, their saddle sores often neglected. Like their human masters they were shot, shelled, gassed and bombed, but with a poor brute's incomprehension of the horrific world they inhabited. By the time the fighting was over, the Great War had killed nearly half a million horses and mules. Of the roughly half million that survived, only 62,000 returned. The rest ended up on French dinner tables.

  43. What's next? Posing with a dead dog?

    1. These people don't really care WHAT kind of animal they kill. ANY animal will do. They are completely insensitive to the life in all animals, and probably even the life in other humans. There is NO regard to life as far as these people are concerned. All that matters to them is killing, and using the carcass for a pose. They get some kind of sexual / ego boost about killing. It's actually sick.

  44. in no state is it legal to hunt BLM mustangs. Anonymous if you know folks who are hunting wild horses maybe you should warn them that they are violating federal law! There are some wild horse who are not on BLM land and they do not have these sake protections but there is NO legal horse hunting on BLM lands

  45. Lisa if you should know Obama and his administration want wild horses eradicated. He want all of them gone no mater how it's done. He says they are a strain on futher development. It is ridiculous what this government is doing not to us but to wildlife now. This country is going down. And We The People are to scared of everthing Yall need to wake up!

  46. I agree! I can just picture it... the lifeless body of a hunter lying on the ground all decked out in camouflage... me kneeling behind it holding my rifle in my hand, smiling at the camera for my hunting skills... God that would be awesome!!!

  47. I agree! I can just picture it... the lifeless body of a hunter lying on the ground all decked out in camouflage... me kneeling behind it holding my rifle in my hand, smiling at the camera for my hunting skills... God that would be awesome!!!

  48. I don't get it. Why is it that hunters with their rifles always sit behind a dead animal and smile at the camera as if they've really done something to be proud of? Is it really that great to take an animal's life from it? Especially when that animal doesn't have a rifle to shoot back? It's really sad... that huge smile... the joy over the death of a once beautiful animal who can no longer live it's life. I wish I could pick up a rifle and shoot a hunter. I'd pose behind it, smiling so big at the camera, because I took out a true killer who has no regard for the lives of others. Now THAT is something I could be proud of!

  49. As a former horse owner, this disgusts me. These animals are not meant to be hunted. My horse was my only friend for a very long time. these animals have so much personality and empathy for others

  50. Reading all these comments .. really shows who the psychopaths are .. you anti's sure take the cake really should read what you all wright right ...

    1. "Wright" is spelled "Write" ... knucklehead!

  51. I think it's tragic when someone glorifies the taking of a life. I enjoy hunting as much as next hunter, but, I was taught that if you hunt, you do so for food, not for Trophies. I film and photograph these magnificent animals in the deserts of Utah, and I find it very disturbing, that some think this is okay. I do not share the locations because some people are to ignorant to be around them. I am a member of the N.R.A., proud supporter of the 2nd Amendment, and a VFW member. So I am not anti-gun, but instead, Anti-Ignorant.

  52. Horse hunt planned for March in the U.S......

  53. I must say, the person who hunts these beautiful American horses, must be a man of no morals, no conscience in his life, a man with a hard heart, greedy and of no concern except for his own prideful desires. Can you imagine what his life must be daily? Empty, sad and pathetic, selfish in nature and his mind filled with anger and rage. A real danger to society!

  54. I am a hunter and a horse trainer and cowboy in Texas.I have no problem hunting game to eat. As far as I am the wild h o rse is part of our history. Hroses are a animal ma uses to work off of and ride for fun and have for pets. We are not in a time where everyone has to hunt to survive. If the Mustang population is getting to big, catch and fix like we do for dogs and cats again this is my thought. If you don't like it o well...

  55. Not anymore they're not
    Utah is offering hunting permits for wild horses ����

  56. This comment has been removed by the author.

  57. I say let's have open season on hunting the hunters. Horses are not game animals!

  58. No i would not kill any kind of horse,whether it be fereal or tame this is not necessary,they are Mother Earths creatures whats wrong with you demented people!!!!!

  59. Navajo horse hunting cancelled.

  60. No. Because I am not a sexual and intellectual inadequate who can only get his jollies by making something that was beautiful and alive, dead. Duh

  61. There is no good excuse for this other than ignorance that needs exterminated before it gets to the point people start hunting people!!! How many extinct species already? Won't be long.

  62. The animal in the picture, the one with the rifle, is a sick POS!!

  63. Before you make such an outrageous comment, check BLM that has destroyed most of the wild horses in the US. They are sold to kill buyers that send them to be slaughtered in Mexico and Canada and the meat sent to Europe and Asia. NOT to mention used up horses and those discarded (young horses not born up to snuff) by the horse racing industry (and other entertainments) that are sent to be slaughtered.

  64. I lived in Nevada about 5 years from vegas to Battle Mountain on up to goldfield, then Lovelock, I seen a total of 1 wild horse herd of 4 horses and 3 burros close by them? I was looking for the over population?

  65. No they deserve to be hunted idiot they are destroying the water planets everything
