Friday, March 16, 2012

3 Coyote Attacks in Two Days in Peoria

3 Coyote Attacks in Two Days in Peoria   <<<----- click here !!! for link ..  Oh Yah ! there's no predator problem is there !!! Soon it will be the wolves Doing this in the north and the people won't servive to tell the story !      

3 Coyote Attacks in Two Days in Peoria

Updated: Wednesday, 14 Mar 2012, 6:09 PM MST
Published : Wednesday, 14 Mar 2012, 5:20 PM MST
PEORIA - Three people have been attacked by coyotes in Peoria, and one attack took place while the victim was out on the back porch.
It happened in the far northwest valley near the Loop 303 and Happy Valley Road. There is a lot of open area out in that part of town.
Coyotes are typically afraid of humans, so a flurry of attacks like this is rare.
All the victims were relaxing or sunbathing in their yard when the animals approached.
“I was sitting on this chair reading,” says victim Roberta Caravello. “I didn't see a thing, didn't hear a thing until my leg got bit.”
Roberta Caravello had no idea the animal was approaching. She was able to get away, but had to get 4 stitches and rabies shots.
“Those big eyes, I still can’t forget it. He just had his mouth really hard and his teeth, the teeth were really big. And it was scary.”
Caravello’s was the first of three coyote attacks in the neighborhood in just the past two days. Wildlife experts believe the coyotes likely live in the neighborhood.
“Not only were they not provoking the animals, there is no evidence that they were feeding the animals, but they were not engaged in behavior that the animals would have considered threatening. They were lying down... things like that,” says Peoria Police spokesperson Jay Davies.
After the first attack, police chased a coyote into the nearby wash and shot it. Arizona Game and Fish has been out in the area as well.
They're trying to track down the offending coyotes and so far, they've killed one too.
Coyotes are regularly spotted around homes here. Now a community meeting is planned to help them deal with the problem.
“Everybody is aware now. They are looking around when they are outside,” says Caravello. “The coyotes are coming in the yards and it is very uncomfortable. I don't feel comfortable sitting in my backyard anymore.”
According to Arizona Game and Fish, the animals they removed are going to be tested for rabies.
They recommend people keep their doors closed, avoid the animals, and definitely don't feed them.

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