Sunday, March 25, 2012

~ Chillin n Reelin ~

~ Chillin n Reelin ~
Have you been Shark fishing ? If not do you want to ?

Saturday, March 24, 2012

~ Captain Crunch ~

 So.. Whens high tide ??
Go ahead and comment make fun of these peoples misfortune  I know your thinking something !

Thursday, March 22, 2012

~ Chillin n Reelin ~

 ~ Chillin n Reelin ~
          What does one do with a Shark after it's caught ? Eat it, make boots or What ?

~ Bug's in your Box ~

It's Spring time again  time to check the bug's in your fly box ! If you haven't got yourself  a Green Zug bug , may I suggest you do so . The green Zug bug pattern is one of the hottest flies I've found for anytime of the year . The gold bead head and the metallic green feathers are irresistible to Brown's, brooks, and trout of all kinds . Here's a couple of flies that has always caught fish for me in the creeks that I visit .    My first choice    
~ Gold bead Zug bug !
                                             My Second choice
~ Green thorax pheasant tail nymph ~
My Third Choice
 ~ Pheasant tail nymph ~

 ~ Attracktor pheasant tail nymph ~
The Attracktor nymph above I have not tried yet It looks good so i thought I'd share it .... Go fish !

Monday, March 19, 2012

~ The end is near ~

I found this pic while surfing the net , I don't know What happens to the bull but it's pretty obvious whats going to happen ! It's to bad your natural  resources are going to be wiped out buy a unchecked populatian of killers that reproduce faster than their pray ! I know your saying the wolf is natures way of  Blah ! Blah ! Blah ! and their Blah ! Blah ! Well for you" hunters slash wolf  lovers " You better develop a taste for dog because that's what's going to be left for you to hunt !! And I dare you to comment !!

Saturday, March 17, 2012

Special Edition Night Fish !

Special Edition Night Fish !

Mad Moose Attacks A Kodiak !

 Have you ever met a mad Moose ? I don't know the story behind this pic but i would say this Moose Doesn't like Kodiaks of any kind

Chillin n Reelin !

Chillin n Reelin !

Predator on Train

 Apparently there's more than one type of predator that rides the Portland Max ! This pic was taken in 2002 the yote wondered on the train and had a seat , animal cop's wrangled it and hauled it back to the woods ! The event inspired a local punk band into  writing a song about it called " light rail coyote" .... the song sucked like all punk music

Morning Fish !

Moning Fish !

Friday, March 16, 2012

3 Coyote Attacks in Two Days in Peoria

3 Coyote Attacks in Two Days in Peoria   <<<----- click here !!! for link ..  Oh Yah ! there's no predator problem is there !!! Soon it will be the wolves Doing this in the north and the people won't servive to tell the story !      

3 Coyote Attacks in Two Days in Peoria

Updated: Wednesday, 14 Mar 2012, 6:09 PM MST
Published : Wednesday, 14 Mar 2012, 5:20 PM MST
PEORIA - Three people have been attacked by coyotes in Peoria, and one attack took place while the victim was out on the back porch.
It happened in the far northwest valley near the Loop 303 and Happy Valley Road. There is a lot of open area out in that part of town.
Coyotes are typically afraid of humans, so a flurry of attacks like this is rare.
All the victims were relaxing or sunbathing in their yard when the animals approached.
“I was sitting on this chair reading,” says victim Roberta Caravello. “I didn't see a thing, didn't hear a thing until my leg got bit.”
Roberta Caravello had no idea the animal was approaching. She was able to get away, but had to get 4 stitches and rabies shots.
“Those big eyes, I still can’t forget it. He just had his mouth really hard and his teeth, the teeth were really big. And it was scary.”
Caravello’s was the first of three coyote attacks in the neighborhood in just the past two days. Wildlife experts believe the coyotes likely live in the neighborhood.
“Not only were they not provoking the animals, there is no evidence that they were feeding the animals, but they were not engaged in behavior that the animals would have considered threatening. They were lying down... things like that,” says Peoria Police spokesperson Jay Davies.
After the first attack, police chased a coyote into the nearby wash and shot it. Arizona Game and Fish has been out in the area as well.
They're trying to track down the offending coyotes and so far, they've killed one too.
Coyotes are regularly spotted around homes here. Now a community meeting is planned to help them deal with the problem.
“Everybody is aware now. They are looking around when they are outside,” says Caravello. “The coyotes are coming in the yards and it is very uncomfortable. I don't feel comfortable sitting in my backyard anymore.”
According to Arizona Game and Fish, the animals they removed are going to be tested for rabies.
They recommend people keep their doors closed, avoid the animals, and definitely don't feed them.

Chillin n Reelin !

Chillin n Reelin ! 

Morning Fish !

Morning Fish !

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Chillin n Reelin !

Chillin n Reelin ! cool fish ...

Ship Crash ! A Moment before death and desruction

This happened a while ago but it's new news to me and maybe for a few more people that missed it also . looking at the crew on the bow of this ship they don't look to worried about their approaching appointment with Davey Jones ! I'm a landlocked wanna be sailor and even i could have seen a hunk of floating iron of that size ! Here's some info i poached on the demise of these  unfortunate fisherman ......
Sunday, April 13, 2008 - Ship Collision Off Kyushu Island Leaves 3 Chinese Dead, 13 Missing.

A collision between two Chinese vessels has left three people dead and 13 others missing, said reports from the southern port city of Kagoshima on Japan's Kyushu island.

Freighter Shinyo Sawako, a vessel from China's Hong Kong Special Administration Region, and the fishing boat Lurongyu 2177 from the Chinese mainland collided on the waters some 350 km south of Takarajima Island, part of the Tokara chain of islands south of Kyushu, citing the Japan Coast Guard.

The fishing boat sank immediately after the crash, only two of its 18 crew members have been rescued

Morning Fish !

Morning Fish ! Those Rapala's should work ..but what color pattern do you prefer ??

Sunday, March 11, 2012

Chillin n Reelin !

Chillin n Reelin !

Big Bullwinkle !

One big Bullwinkle ! this guy is freaking huge I wouldn't honk my horn at him he could probably turn over a truck if one pissed him off !!

Shot in the butt ! ouch freaking ouch !!

How doe's your Spear fishin buddy mistake your butt check for a fish ? this guy neeeds to find a new spear fishing partner that knows his ass from a fish ! hey!! now there's a new saying

Morning Fish !

Moning Fish ! what you think is that a speckled Trout ?

Saturday, March 10, 2012

A big ass eel 100 lbs caught on a pole by one of 4 guys while fishing off shore the eel didn't go down without a fight even when it was in the boat it attacked the dude that caught him and thrashed around on deck and then made it's way down below to where two of the guys were sleeping it scared the heck out of them one even grabbed his 9 mm and was going to shoot it but the captain said are you crazy don't shoot it in the boat were 120 mile from land you'll sink the boat ! they managed to get it in a cooler but it wasn't threw thrashing it knocked the lid off the cooler and went after the guy's again for round two ! they did get it back in the cooler and finished their barley pops ....So the story goes anyway .... Go Fish

Chilling And Reeling !

      Chilling And Reeling !

Morning Fish !

Morning Fish ! I know you like the morning fish cause there's a lot of views linked to these post's if you like the posts and want to continue seeing them click the follower tab and join the blog because it's just a matter of time until some weenie bitches and face book puts the brake's on these post's they've already removed some of my post's because they say it violated community standards for being to graphic ! so if you don't want face book sanitising and forcing their bullshit down your throat's ! become a follower and we'll entertain each other I'll put up pic's that people really like to look at and you can comment and say the things you really want to say and not have to worry about being blocked by friends on faceless book because they can't take criticism , that is if you really give a shit if those cry babies block you or not !!! ...know what i mean !!     ....GO FISH !

Friday, March 9, 2012

Utah Buck ! would you like a utah hunting connection ?

Want to hunt Utah and need a contact ? post it here we'll see if we can hook you up !

Morning Fish !

                              Morning Fish !                           

Monday, March 5, 2012

Cock fight

With a declining bird populatian It makes one think The Pheasant hunt will be a think of the past ! I know this bird hunter would miss it ! The Dakotas bird populatian are also declining , So the Question is What do we do about it ? and do you have Pheasant hunting connections ?

Morning fish !

                                                    Morning Fish !

Saturday, March 3, 2012

Minelab Gold Metal detector !

Minelab Gold Detector Rumour has it this is the best gold hunting metal detector on the market at a cool $5,200 you could have one ! check out the link it sounds like a good one . have you tried one ? I wouldn't mind test drying one .

The ! 1 pound Mojave gold nugget

The Mojave nugget Found with a metal detector in Mojave Ca
Do you like Kelly's buck

Morning Fish !

                                                           Morning Fish !

Friday, March 2, 2012

Wyoming Buck

                       Wyoming buck ! Got any Wyoming Deer connections ?                                

Busted Buck

This buck would have set a new state record
but the fish cops say the guys story smelt a little fishy! they claim this big buck was taken out of season and frozen until judgment day makes ya wonder how often this crap happens !